Many people in real life are only now beginning to find value in apps that check them into businesses. So imagine me trying to convince you to take the checkin one step further and start checking in to everything else you're doing, whether it be watching a TV show or movie, reading a book, or playing a videogame?

I almost find checking in to activities more useful than locations. I watch a crapload of television and film, and sometimes in my discussions with my friends they misunderstand just what I'm all about, and am surprised to find that I'm a fan of True Blood or Aqua Teen Hunger Force or How I Met Your Mother. Checking in to these activities serves as a way of sharing my interests with my friends and possibly starting conversations I might not otherwise have had. Let's talk about that film I saw or book I read - and you know I read it, because I f'n checked into it, that's why.

The app feels a little hefty at 4.75 MB, and it's a little slow to load, but I haven't run into any hiccups aside from them not recognizing the Truffaut film Bed and Board, but stickers are cool, and maybe one day I'll have that in-depth conversation about SCTV that I've been dreaming about. So add me as a friend why dontcha?
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